Design of stands and ephemeral spaces: Rail Live 2020

The big sectorial events like  Rail Live 2020, are the motor of opportunities for participating companies.

Brand positioning, business assumption, networking, and much more advantages, unavoidable refresh in knowledge and innovation.

Unique occasion to rocket the commercial and relational Marketing of the companies who assist to the event. Sowing time to recollect results the rest of the year require, of course, rigorous planification and expertise partner. If you assist to Rail Live event or other referential event, <FlandeCoco Station> is a mandatory stop for a success participation.

Draw attention of your stronghold in Rail Live.

Rail Live 2020 fair will gather together in Ifema Madrid from next 31th of March to 2nd of April the most important sectorial players .  An event focused on technology, innovation and strategy for all the supply chain of railway. More than 300 confirmed exhibitors at the moment, 350 global representors of railway infrastructure and, on the table, the liberation of the European railway market and industry digitalization.

Three days, presented as a meeting point of synergies and business. Highlight the difference, the straightness and the added value that distinguish the company over the rivalry. It is a basic that should lead all the actions and strategies of your company at Rail Live or any other fair/event.

At FlandeCoco we do know how to boost them by:

Event stands and exhibition booths

Identity, differential, and functionality: a three combo of indispensables in all our stands and exhibition booths  projected by FlandeCoco. From the previous design until the final realization at the enclosure, without any concern or waste of time and energy for all the companies who are exhibitors of the event.

Keys in hand: 😉 without distress neither unexpected events.

Stands made with a main objective, score a differential at the event. Communicate the corporate image and also with a plus of differential attractive. Be (brand), facilitate (the action) and distinguish (from the rest of the exhibitors) at Rail Life 2020 or other future events.

You can see some of our stand with only a click on Espacios Efimeros  Flandecoco’s Portfolio.

Diptych and corporate catalogue

Diptych and corporate catalogue are the most efficiency tools. Highlight the values of the brand, the elegance of the format and achieve an attractive and effective communication.

An ideal complement for showing up at Rail Live, that allows you to gain all the attentions of the potential clients and collaborating brands.

You can see a selection of our works at Creatividad y Artes Gráficas .

Brand action

Gain Visibility and rocket 🚀 the brand image of the company, inside the fair and farther than Rail Live 2020. Suggestive merchandising and generator of reminder, PR team and commercial staff, street marketing, meeting organization and afterwork events…

Pool of services and actions  , according to the company size and the necessity.

FlandeCoco will be there with the leader railway sector companies this next Rail Live Madrid 2020.

For further information in order to plan your company attendance to Rail Live 2020 or other close fair, please fill in the form and we will go back to you as sooner as possible.