Real Estate specialized communications agency in Barcelona

We are FlandeCoco Lab, communications agency in Barcelona with great experience in the real estate sector. If you need a communications agency that can give a full and 360 degrees service, you have just found it.

Contact us and we will explain you why, although if you keep on reading we can explain something more about us:

We FlandeCoco Lab, the first communications agency, marketing and advertising, Barcelona, ??15 years ago, put the word «Lab» in its name.

It has been a while!

Since then, we have assumed challenges of all kinds: graphic design, creating websites, organizing events, promotional gifts, construction of temporary spaces, advertising spots … always using a proper marketing strategy to each customer, brand or product.

With the advent of the New 2.0, new technologies and social networks,  we became experts in communication 2.0: SEO by SEO and SEM, creating newsletters, blogging, content creation for YouTube, management social networking and community management … it has given us so well that we do not lie if we say we are one of the best agencies in Barcelona in SEO and organic growth of social media .